My Very First Egg. Ever!

I woke up this morning at a little past five. It was pouring rain outside and it hasn’t truly rained here at all over the past two years. I’ve been building all these dry riverbeds and leveling slopes and drainage ditches to reclaim all the rainfall into all of my beds over the past two years so having actual rain to test everything is more than helpful to know if I got the job done properly. Continue reading “My Very First Egg. Ever!”

Designing and Building my own Chicken Coop

Why should you raise chickens?

Once upon a time, humans thought it a jolly good idea to chase all manners of herbivores all over the face of the earth as they migrated this way and that. They didn’t do it because they were bored or thought that gazelle had nice butts, although they did. They did this because of the reoccurring gurgling sound and all around hollow feeling you get when you’re hungry.

Then one day, someone got a bright idea. “What if we simply catch some of these animals and trap them in a largish boxish thing so they can’t run away. Let’s call it a… paddock, yes a paddock! Then, when our bellies make the awful gurgling hollow sound and our heads go all dizzy, we can milk or eat one of them!” Lets call our hero Ugh. When Ugh suggested this with his series of guttural grunts and clicks, all the others in his nomadic tribe were dumbfounded. They feared him a demon of some sorts and instantly beat him to death with a large rock. So it goes for Ugh.

Continue reading “Designing and Building my own Chicken Coop”