Well I’m just about at my wits end with the chicken bullying going on. Most likely, I’m not as fed up as poor Piper is though. I’ve tried making her armor which really helped her body from getting pecked at, but did little for her poor head and neck. She is now less fluffy and cute as a result. This is how she should look…
Quite the difference isn’t it? Well, I’ve decided to do what I should have done months ago. I’m going to get her away from the big brutes so she can regrow her feathers and get some much needed rest. This will of course mean I need to get another silkie hen to keep her company. In the meantime, I need to design and build a second chicken coop. This one will be much smaller than the first one I built. Here’s how far I’ve gotten with the sketch today…
The ladder will hinge up to close off that section and there’s a door I removed so you can see the inside. I’m still working out how best to allow her access to the bottom floor which will be in the grass so she can scratch and peck during the day. When I’m home I’ll let her have the run of the entire backyard as she doesn’t do much damage at all.
I’ll post more as I build it so you can see the final product. It’ll be small, but she’ll love the peace and quiet for sure!!
Here’s as far as I got last night. Everything appears to be functioning well in my 3D program, so tonight I will begin construction!
In other news, my passion fruit vine is in full swing these days. I originally planted it for a privacy fence but now I just can’t get enough of the fruit it puts out! Here’s what I gathered over a few days. Just about 1/10th of this years harvest so far.
And there’s plenty more ripening on the vine as I write! Very excited to be reaping this harvest!
And also as a follow up on the willow water post from the other day I’ve decided to begin a little experiment to determine exactly how effective this home made witches brew is as a rooting hormone. I have two pathos cuttings from the same host with the same nodes as well as size and health. One has the willow water mixture and the other is just tap water.
I will be monitoring their progress and taking weekly photos to compare the root growth. More to come on this experiment.
Well, that’s it for now. I hope you all had a great labor day weekend! I’ll keep you posted on the Piper drama as it unfolds!
Okay, admittedly, I am one of those dog owners that takes things a little too far. Mind Your Dirt has forced me from the shadows of social media for the sake of self preservation and achieving readership, posterity and valor. Occasionally I abuse this “power” to shamelessly promote the awesomeness of my pup Sasha or the general cuteness of my chickens. It is in this vein that I share with you a recent commissioned piece that I just received from an artist that you haven’t heard about. Yet! Keep a watchful eye out for the work of Joyce Oder. She’s an up-and-comer and so talented.
Several months ago I heard through my many grapevines that she was taking on commissions and having seen her drawings in the past I couldn’t resist tossing an idea I’ve had floating around my crusty noggin for a few years now. I’ve always wanted a portrait of Sasha and I in a classic turn-of-the-century pose and attire. I imagined a lovely old-timey portrait hanging over a mantle in my imaginary library. Not your typical commission request, but that’s me all over; atypical.
So, in your minds eye, picture a giant red velvet curtain parting to reveal this beautiful and odd gem…
Lord and Lady Gielow in a whimsical repose.
This very well may be the best money I’ve ever spent and will bring me years of happiness. It will also serve to further the ridiculousness of my life. Now I just need a fireplace and a library to hang it in! One step at a time.
So I’m going to get off topic because today is a very special day in my home. Sasha turns three today!! Every birthday is a special one to me you see because Sasha’s fate was in question before I rescued her. Here’s a little back story for you.
I rescued Sasha from the San Diego Humane Society when she was 7 months old. Her previous owners gave up this absolutely beautiful and sweet girl because she had major hip dysplasia and they couldn’t afford the surgery. At least that was what I was told at the time. A year later I was trying to track down the previous owners to see if they wanted to see Sasha again and if they had any puppy photos I could have. I’m still dying to see her as a little puppy! Well, it turns out they gave her up because they’re landlord didn’t want them to have a dog. Now if it was me, I would’ve moved. No way would I give up Sasha for any reason. Ever! I’ve given up the search thinking that maybe it’s for the best that they are separated. Choosing an apartment over this sweet angel speaks volumes about their priorities.
Sasha was born with the hip dysplasia in both of her back legs and could never really walk very well. The surgery would’ve been fairly steep, somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,400. So off to the pound she went. Poor baby girl!
The good people at the Humane Society decided she needed to be walking again so they actually footed the bill! How awesome is that!? It’s super awesome; to answer my own question. When I saw her for the first time, she was one week out of surgery and was still a bit wobbly. But oh so cute and happy to meet me. The woman who introduced us told me that she would be on meds for the rest of her life and it would get expensive. I decided I didn’t care because if I didn’t take her, then who would? The thought of her medical condition keeping her from being adopted was too much for my heart to bear. So I adopted!
The actual vet talked with me next and reassured me that she would not need any medication at all and hip dysplasia surgery was often extremely successful. She even said that Sasha would be running around in no time! I was so relieved. I think that other lady was trying to keep her for herself. I just had to keep her from running for a week and do stretches with her for about a month. I also have to keep her weight down so she doesn’t suffer from arthritis later on in life. I like to give her food rich with omega 3 fatty acids that really help with joint problems as a secondary way to battle arthritis. Today she runs and jumps and dances about like a fool.
Here she is when I brought her home. She loved her new bed I got for her. You can still see the surgery remnants in this photo.
Fuzzy Wumpkins!
My heart still melts every time I see her or think about her or see a photo of her. Basically, my heart is always all melty. It’s true what they say about rescue animals, they do in fact end up rescuing you in the end. After I lost my pop in 2010 to the cancer, I was an emotional wreck most of the time. Just all around lost and disinterested in just about everything. I put on a strong face, but it was all bullshit. I was a hot mess. Sasha came into my life and turned it all around. I’m now merely a luke-warm mess. I owe her everything for what she’s done for me. Now my heart is a bazillion times bigger and soars like an eagle! And just for poops and giggles, here’s us in a boat on the 4th of July…
We’ve come a long way kiddo.
So that gets you all caught up. Now for her 3rd birthday surprise! In keeping with supplying her with those aforementioned omega 3’s I made a delicious meal of food. For the eating!
For tonight’s dinner we will be serving lightly sautéed wild caught Alaskan salmon with a flaxseed oil and oregano glaze on a bed of roasted walnuts and freshly harvest Swiss chard with a side of slow roasted lamb bone. The main course has more omega 3’s than you can count on two hands. It’s riddled with it! Bon appétit.
A lovely medley of Alaskan wild caught salmon richly sautéed in flaxseed oil on a bed of warm roasted walnuts and fresh Swiss chard.
At first she was skeptical that this place setting could possibly be for her. Or perhaps it was my unnecessary inclusion of silverware…Who can say?
Can it be true? Yes Sasha, that is all you baby! The next few moments were a blur of fur and tooth. I took a bunch of photos but was only to capture one decent one.
Wild-eyed and driven mad with flavor!
Seconds later and the plate was all but empty.
“nom nom nom.”
After the main course, she thought it best to enjoy the second course on the front of the estate.
“Quid pro quo. Did you hear the lambs Clarice? What were they doing Clarice?”
As I write this she is rolling around in the grass in some form of fattened pure joy that I will never truly experience. So raise your glass to the bestest cutest fuzziest wumpkins in the whole wide universe! Happy birthday Sasha!
“I’m tree years ode!”The boy and his dog fade off into the horizon…