Happy New Year to all my friends out there on the Interwebs. I thought I’d take the morning to snap a few photos of random whatsits around the yard. Of course, Mia was out and causing trouble. Luckily the cold weather hasn’t done any noticeable damage to any of the plants. I’m leery of complaining about the cold weather living here in SoCal when compared to the rest of the country. So I won’t complain, I’ll just gently and softly mention that it’s been a wee bit chilly. Why just the other night, I had to wear a coat!! The very idea! Anyway, here are some nice photos to gaze your eyes upon… Continue reading “The Backyard Progress Report: December 2014”
The Chickens are in Full Production Mode!
A Huge Step for Piper!
They grow up so fast! Not a month ago she finally learned how to use the ladder so I didn’t have to literally put her to bed every night.
Then, she finally made her way halfway up. And promptly stopped and slept there.
After a week of that, she finally went all the way inside. A week after that, she discovered the luxurious second floor loft apartment.
Tonight she did it! Jumped all the way to the perch! I’m as proud as can be. My fluffball is smarter than I thought. Synapses are firing left and right! That’s my girl Piper!