They’ve finally hatched!! Tiny fuzzy squishy fluffballs dripping with cuteness. They beckon me from the spare room with itty bitty peeps and fuzzy nuzzles. I resist the urge to chew on them. What’s with that anyways? Why do I always want to chew on adorable little things? Is it just me? Is there some evolutionary advantage to that instinct? *Nomnomnom*
Regardless, now that Bernie and Hen Solo are finally laying eggs and are part of the main flock and Piper is all happy in her new bully-proof coop, I must admit to succumbing to a little bit of the empty nest blues. So I called upon my friend over at East County Zoo. If you live in the Southern California area and are looking for an amazing breeder, look no further than Aaron over at East County Zoo! Every bird I’ve got from him has been happy, healthy and shiny! Just look at these cuties!!!
I was drawn to getting guinea fowl for a few reasons. Firstly, they make excellent alarm systems for any wayward predators that are nearby. They activate the alarm with rather loud calls, then my head of security (Sasha the HuskyLab) will be dispatched. Release the hounds!

They also are amazing at ridding an area of pests. They really love ticks especially and will remove tons of them from any property. They don’t do a lot of scratching or eating of newly planted veggie gardens. Which is something my chickens don’t seem to have any problem with. They adore unkempt pathways and garden beds. Jerks.
If you’re thinking about adding some more animals to your homestead, consider getting a few guinea fowl. These unique, slightly bizarre-looking birds are loud and can act as an alarm of sorts on the homestead. They’re also known for their impressive tick-decimating skills and can help with pesticide-free pest management. To learn more about guinea fowl including how to raise them, what to feed them, and how to care for them, check out this article from
They also look crazy as all get up! Remind me of the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal. Here’s an adult Pearl guinea fowl.

Containing these beasts won’t be easy as they are full flyers!

They love to roost high up in the trees as well so I’m anticipating not seeing them too much. They are supposed to stick close to the coop if raised there from a young age and they’ll always remember where their food and water come from. Although, I’m told that most of their diet consists of wild-caught insects and not the typical layers pellets that my chickens get. Time will tell how often I get to see these bald weirdos.

Having said that, I too am a bald weirdo so I’m imagining that we will get along swimmingly! Prepare yourself for an onslaught of cute baby photos in the interim!
Interesting facts. These birds can earn their keep.
It’s all in theory for now. This will be my first excursion into the world of guinea fowl. I’ll report in my findings of course. Provided they stick around. I also have a lot of friends that tell me how tasty they are! So I’ll be watching them like a hawk!!
I have to say, they are a lot cuter as babies than as grown-ups … although the same can be said of humans. Will they bond with you since you’ve had them from so young? I don’t think we’re allowed to have backyard fowl here in my town, but they’re popular in Seattle. I’ve also been wondering what became of your Monarch friend.
Deceptively cuter I’d say! I was expecting them to be a lot more bald headed and scruffy looking. Must be a safety mechanism so predators think they’re too cute to eat.
I’ve read that they will stick around the coop if you get them in there at a young age. As soon as they no longer need the heat lamp, I’m moving them in with little Piper in hopes that they will all bond together as she is very broody. We shall see what happens.
Ah yes, young Daedalus! For those that missed that epic tale:
I had my last sighting of her about five weeks after she hatched. Which is about how long they live anyways! So, even though she never had the mobile life she was destined for, she did live her life out being catered to and cared for.
There are still a couple readers looking into prosthetic wing materials though! For future generations.
I’ve also had about ten more successful hatchings since then!
Congrats on your new additions! When exactly are you moving out to a farm then?
Haha, you joke, but I’ve been giving that a lot of thought lately. The older I get the more drawn to farm life I become. If only I can get my lady to join me in that sentiment. Silly city girl.
I was only sort of half joking. I could so see you out in the country as long as you were within driving distance of the Ci-tay and all of the joys that come with it.
Agreed! I just need to figure out which city that’ll be. Been thinking about New England the last few years.
But, what about your glorious job? And, perhaps you have forgotten since you moved West it is damn cold there. And furthermore, go where your lady would like to go so you can both be happy.
I’ve thought about all those things as well. But, my job has been VERY unsatisfactory for the last several years! Which sucks. At one time it was the best job I’ve ever had hands down. Which is why I keep sticking to it.
The summers here have been too hot and dry the last few years as well. Not incredibly sustainable for agriculture and something that needs to be addressed if I move towards a larger farming plan.
Nury, I believe, would be slightly pliable regarding location. She’s a Cali girl and has never lived away from the West Coast. I think it would be good for her to see the other side of the country for some perspective.
And yes, it gets cold! Really cold. But, it has seasons! And moisture. I don’t know, it’s all thoughts rolling around the back pages of my mind right now. Time will tell.
Well, best of luck in figuring all that stuff out. Not easy decisions for sure. However, I can picture you and Nury and the dog and the chickens and the butterflies all motoring cross-country in a Subaru with a trailer leaking dirt and Coastal Coral leaves out the back the entire way. lol.
Like a traveling circus!
A fascinating project, amusingly related, as ever
I might dress them up like the Red Queen’s guards from Alice in Wonderland as well…
I can’t wait to meet them!
They are sooo cute. For now at least.
I look forward to hearing about the new adventures. I have wondered what the reality of living with Guinea fowl would be like. Also, do they need a pond?
I’ll keep you posted! I’m admittedly worried about the prospect. I love the potential rewards, but the war stories I’ve read are troublesome. The breeder assures me that they are often exaggerated, but time will tell.
They don’t require any ponds at all. They don’t need much of anything once they’re grown up actually.
I was thinking about keeping them in the chicken coop but now I’m worried about bullying. They are apparently aggressive little buggers. I may build them a coop of their own high up and away from the chickens. Not sure yet and I have some time to decide while they’re in the brooder.
I look forward to the new coop. Coming from you, it should be a work of art. Maybe with panels of sticks for solitary bees and trellis loaded with tasty treats?
Oh, I wish I thought of that!!
I look forward to what you do think of.