I just had to share with you my neighbors adorable teeny tiny itsy bitsy min-pin/chihuahua puppies. They hatched about a month ago and are all nippy and playful now. Last night when I got home from work, my neighbor asked if I would mind babysitting them for an hour or two. “What a silly question! Bring me the damn puppies you fool.” I exclaimed.
This was also the first time that Sasha, my husky-lab, had ever seen puppies so tiny. She didn’t know what to make of them at first and probably thought they were squeaky toys of the most excellent quality and realness. Until they began making dog noises. So here’s five minutes of pure innocent puppy joy for you. I hope it brightens your day!
There’s also this weird video of my giant floating face hovering over their mobile play-pen while the lighter of the two little ladies gets all up in my mustache. I think she wants to live there, of which I have no problem with.

Aww … I can almost smell their puppy scent! Cuties!
Yeah, they’re pretty ridiculous on the newborn cuteness factor. Those little paw air punches make me melt.
Well, it can’t go too badly–yo babysit puppies. Good fun, and then you get to give them back.
Oh, I was supposed to return them? That explains all the doorbell ringing and yelling outside!
Believe me, it’s worth it to give them back. Puppies can be exhausting. Ask Sasha.
Haha, perhaps you’re right. They did seem unmanageable.
Too cute!
We are in full agreement.
Call 911. My heart just literally melted. Probably twice.
Haha, I don’t think they have anything for that. Other than a heart transplant. Of which you’d have to be put on a waiting list. Unless you want a baboon heart. Then it’s thirty minutes or less.
That did make my day.
Yes! My job is done here.
Ok, that really brightened my day. Sasha’s reactions were priceless, too.
I was worried for the little pups, but Sasha was merely excited to see tiny dogs for the first time. She’s always so good, just over eager. Love that dog! Giving her head nuzzles as I type this… Fuzzy wumpkins is the best fuzzy of all.
Gawd dang that’s cute. Nothing better to brighten ones day.
For reals! I’ve watched this often the last week. maybe one..more..time
It’s like a cat video only better
Haha. To me, always better with puppies. Although, I adore kittens too.
Merry Christmas.
Good posts, beautiful blog.
Welcome to see my creations:
A merry Christmas to you as well! Thank you!
you’r welcome friend James 🙂