For whatever reason, Piper loves nothing more than to follow me around the yard all day long. I have to be extra vigilant to not plow her over with my big hairless-ape feet. If I stop too quickly, she will often run right into my legs and fall backyards in a very cartoonish manner. Watching her little fuzzy legs feverishly trying to correct herself makes my heart swell and burst every time.
Does anyone else have chickens that do this? Is it a silkie thing? Or do I need to get a restraining order?[paypal_donation_button]
She totally imprinted on you! That is the sweetest thing ever.
When I stop to pick her up she immediately starts purring and then falls asleep. My heart can’t take all this critter love.
That’s amazing James. I had no idea silkies were so affectionate and adoring! She clearly loves you, or you have grain sewn into your turn ups π
I knew that silkies were considered the lap dogs of the chicken world, but didn’t expect so much love from a mini dinosaur. She and I are besties for life!
That is really close! Will she ride on your shoulder?
I haven’t tried that yet, I’m sure she would though. I mostly hold her like a football and stroll the yard. She falls asleep purring like a kitten every time.
Too cute!
Sweet. I have a Turken hen like that.
How big of a flock do you have Bonnie? My flock is but six, but it’s growing. I’m in the city, so I’m a wee bit limited. But I plan on turning this inner city into a vast oasis.
Cutest animal, your hen is! Maybe, if you had something for her to pick on other than gravel and your shoues, she might stop stalking?
If she stopped, my heart would break. But maybe that’s the Stockholm syndrome talking…
Is it a good thing you were wearing shoes? π (Cute video!)
Which is not often the case. She’s gentle on the toes though. She does tug at my shirt or pants when I’m crouched down and digging earth.
Ha! Ha! Love it!
Faraday’s Candle said EGGSACTLY what I was going to! Sorry, I couldn’t resist the pun. Chickens. . . eggs. . . you know π
Oh, puns of all kinds are welcome on MYD! I have low… eggspectations.
So sweet! I didn’t know chickens purred.
Me either! It’s uber cute!
That’s so darn cute.
Agreed! My yard work goes half speed now however. She likes to put herself under the shovel often. I don’t mind.
Have you considered a tiny little leash?
Don’t even need a leash. She’s always underfoot. What I need is a restraining order.
I can help you with that.
Who will serve the papers? Actually, the very idea makes me sad. I love her obsessive love. Can’t even joke about pushing her away without feeling bad. She’s had such a sad chicken life. Lost her brother. Lost her bestest pig friend. Constantly beat up by bullies and then bit in the ass by a puppy. I’m all she’s got. Oh, and Sasha to kick in the head.
Sounds like you should propose not serve a restraining order.
I’ll let the judge decide…
She is too cute. She won’t last a minute in jail.
Awwwww she totally imprinted on you. I have had only about 7 chickens fully imprint for my entire flock, and that is one of reasons that handling a lot as chicks is good for your feathered friends! Not all chickens will do this so you have a very special friend
About half my hens are like that with me. This season I hatched 7 chicks and each one saw me as they were emerging. So far all 7 are treating me like mother hen. If you check out the Mind Your Dirt Facebook page, you can see some really cute photos. Me, Sasha (my husky), and Knuckles (a month old chick) all cuddled up together.
There’s little I adore more than cross-species friendships. Makes my heart all warm and squishy.