Good morning friends! The community garden I volunteer for was just featured in an article by UC San Diego! A great honor and a beautiful write up to boot. Check it out and see what other activities I’ve been up to! Try not to be hypnotized by the ridiculous mustache. I use it to filter compost as well as sniff out truffles.

For even more information on the Ocean View Growing Grounds, check out their Facebook page here! And, while you’re at it, check out The Global ARC who have been our ardent supporters! I’ll be writing a much more lengthy post about all of our amazing projects later on, but I didn’t want you to miss this article in the meantime. We have big plans for this space and its been such a great way to meet my neighbors and do something for others. It’s crazy how self involved we can get these days. Volunteering for organizations like this really help to get a good perspective.