The Ocean View Growing Grounds Made the Paper!!

I’ve been a bit busy lately. Not only in the yard fighting the dreaded influx of weeds that had taken over almost every square inch, but also at the community garden up the street. We’ve been tidying up the space and surveying the area to layout the locations of the future greenhouse and the many beds so that my neighbors can finally begin sowing the seeds of change in our food desert.

The Saturday before last, I led the charge to have 12, 12 foot by 4 foot raised beds constructed on the lot. No small feat in the blazing sun and Santa Anna dry hot winds. It just so happened that we had a San Diego Union Tribune reporter and photographer on site that day as well.

Well, today they printed the article! And there’s even a quote from the babbling baboon that is yours truly! So, in lieu of all this hard work, it is my hope that you will find the means to forgive my lack of blog post writing as of late. It seems that the very moment I become sedentary, I immediately pass out. Sometimes before I can jump in the shower and sometimes with a full beer in my hand growing warm as I snore and bore my girlfriend and my dog. Apologies all around!

That said, check out the article! I hope I don’t get sued for posting an article from the Union Tribune?! Do they still have William Randolf Hearst like lawyers? Gulp! Rosebud… Continue reading “The Ocean View Growing Grounds Made the Paper!!”

Designing a Giant Greenhouse for the Ocean View Growing Grounds

So, I may have mentioned this before, but I do some volunteer work at a local community garden that’s right around the corner from my house. It’s a huge lot that has been generously rented to us by the land owner for some ridiculous amount. Like $5 a year or the like. He did this because he wanted to see something worthwhile on this vacant lot and decided to go the route of saint in this noble gift to the community. How often does that happen in this world? Especially with the cost of real estate in Southern California!
Continue reading “Designing a Giant Greenhouse for the Ocean View Growing Grounds”

Former food desert now feeds a community’s spirit

Good morning friends! The community garden I volunteer for was just featured in an article by UC San Diego! A great honor and a beautiful write up to boot. Check it out and see what other activities I’ve been up to! Try not to be hypnotized by the ridiculous mustache. I use it to filter compost as well as sniff out truffles. Continue reading “Former food desert now feeds a community’s spirit”