So, I may have mentioned this before, but I do some volunteer work at a local community garden that’s right around the corner from my house. It’s a huge lot that has been generously rented to us by the land owner for some ridiculous amount. Like $5 a year or the like. He did this because he wanted to see something worthwhile on this vacant lot and decided to go the route of saint in this noble gift to the community. How often does that happen in this world? Especially with the cost of real estate in Southern California!
Continue reading “Designing a Giant Greenhouse for the Ocean View Growing Grounds”
Backyard Chickens. Now, More Than Ever!
California’s 2014 Proposition 2 carries a potential 40% price increase in eggs.
Back in November I and many other Californians voted YES to Proposition 2 which requires calves raised for veal, egg-laying hens and pregnant pigs be confined only in ways that would allow these animals to lie down, stand up, fully extend their limbs and turn around freely. Beginning January 1, 2015, farmers will have had to make needed changes or face fines and/or imprisonment for up to 180 days.

The proposition was supported by the Humane Society of the United States, The California Medical Association, Consumer Federation of America, The Center for Food Safety, 63.4% of Californians (or 8,009,556 hip voters), and me. Yours truly. James Arthur Gielow, Deputy Director/CEO/COO/DMD of Mind Your Dirt Inc. Ltd LLC etc. In other words, 5 out of 5 James Gielows’ agree; being cool with animals is pretty neat!
Continue reading “Backyard Chickens. Now, More Than Ever!”
Mini Monarch Munching Mercilessly on Milkweed
On my morning rounds today I discovered eight more monarch caterpillars on the milkweed. At this rate, the plant will never grow! The eat faster than the leaves can sprout. I did plant it for them so I can’t get too upset about it. I just hope they don’t eat themselves out of house and home over here.