A Ripe Pineapple!?

Can it be true? My 3.5 year experiment with a pineapple plant has finally bore fruit? It’s small, but looks like it’s ready to harvest. Does anyone out there know for sure? I’ve read that when it turns yellow it’s ready to go.


I also read that once you pick it, it stops ripening so I’m leery of doing so.

It does have a wee bit of give to it when lovingly squeezed. I sure am pineapple hungry over here…

Post Script:

Want to learn how to grow a pineapple over and over again? You only need to buy one and you can be pineapple full for the rest of your life. Provided you are very very patient. Check out this article to learn how!

0 Replies to “A Ripe Pineapple!?”

  1. Yes it looks ripe. But what a wonderful project to be watching over for three and a half years! Its so rewarding when it bears fruit, well done James 🙂 Enjoy your pineapple.

    1. Thanks Agnes! I’ll take that as a third confirmation. I’ll post the results on Mind Your Dirt’s Facebook page. I reckon I’ll get the top to root and start all over again. Come 2019, I’ll be able to make a fruit salad for two!

  2. James, there should be suckers on the sides of it, just pull them off and stick them in the ground , these will produce pineapple in one year, tops take 2/3 years. If you can smell the pineapple it is ready to harvest.

    1. Oh that’s good to know! The original plant wasn’t in a proper location and took a dive after I harvested so I’ve removed it. I figured I’d start a new with the top in a more prime spot. Any tips on soil amendment and location for planting? Because that’s the stage I’m at now, ready to replant.

  3. For optimum quality and sweetness, pineapple fruit should not be harvested until at least one-third or more of the peel or shell has turned from green to yellow. Ideally, you should pick the fruit during the late mature green stage, when the fruit has reached full size and maturity but has not turned yellow, and then allow the harvested fruit to ripen off the plant at room temperature. Do not refrigerate your pineapple fruit until it has ripened. If pineapple is refrigerated at the immature green stage, it can lead to chilling injury and improper ripening. Ripeness can also be determined by snapping your finger against the side of the fruit. Ripened pineapples produce a dull, solid sound when you do this, but immature fruit produce a hollow thud.

    1. Thank you Cheryl, a very detailed explanation! It turned out to be a wholly delicious pineapple albeit a little small. But the ripeness was perfect! Thanks for the info!

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