We took a much needed break from all things work related this weekend up at mount Laguna nestled in the Cleveland National Forest. It was brisk and windy and absolutely gorgeous. The trails that wound around completely dried up lakes looked like grizzly country and it was exactly what the doctor ordered.

I had an extremely rough week at work. Very bad, yet expected, news that had left me in a tail spin. I’ll spare you the details as there are many things in the works now as a result that I am not ready to announce publicly. I’ll just say that the winds of change are blowing at my back.
I found myself feeling melancholy and stoic and pooped and demoralized the last few days. But as fate would have it, arrangements had already been made to get the hell out of Dodge. So off we went. Just a simple two day car camping trip that proved to be exactly what I needed.
I’m keeping this post brief as I am breaking the rules right now of doing nothing constructive this weekend. I just wanted to share some of the photos with you wonderful people as I could use all the love and support I can gather right now and you guys are just so damn groovy and always cheer me up. So here’s a grip of photos…
That’s it folks. Apparently I thought it best to not take any photos of the first day/night and opted instead on imbibing in libations of the whisky and scotch variety. So even if I had taken photos, I’m sure they would not be appropriate here. I will say this though, having six inches of down and wool blankets in the tent during last nights chilly weather made for a cozy way to sleep off any chance of a hangover so I rose early this morning to fry bacon and ply myself with coffee.
These are all from todays hike. It was a wintery day that I don’t get much of here in SoCal. I found it suit my mood perfectly and took as many chances as I could to sneak off to sit and think and then not think at all. Just watch the trees sway in cool winds and the stretches of grasslands to whip and swirl as cheeks grew rosy and heavy hearts were lifted to matters beyond timeclockery and meetings and parking and traffic and shitty news.
Now I find myself warm and cozy with only the slightest hint of dread. Seeing the late Sunday clock move ever forward, marching towards my inevitable Monday doom. Much love, dear reader, for all your support and kind words. You bolster my sorrows and keep me chugging along. When this all blows over, we should all go camping together.
Uh-oh, this doesn’t sound good. I hope things turn out for the best, whatever that may be. Things always look darkest just before they go totally black, but remember life is cyclical and you will be back on top the mountain again in the future. (We will be facing layoffs–again–where I work after the new year.) Positive thoughts to you from Seattle! 🙂
Thank you kindly m’lady. I’ve been noticing that the more my resolve strengthens, the better I feel about the matter. Sorry to hear about the upcoming layoffs! I’ve seen my share of that as well. Always hard to see and even harder to be part of.
thinking of you this Monday morning. But once one is up, it’s half bad. 🙂
Maybe my alarm clock will accidentally turn itself off this time. Accidents happen all the time.
It was excellent hiking weather and your facial scruff was befitting of a mountain man. Perhaps we should have stayed there…
It’s not far, we can go back right now. Anything to extend this weekend a tiny bit more…
I hope the bad eventually turns into an opportunity, Jim. If anyone can make that happen, it would be you. What fun to see you, Sasha, and Nury enjoying yourselves instead of dwelling on it (I know Sasha probably loses a lot of sleep over your problems). Thinking of you.
Thanks Carey. I did go dark for a day and a half. But now I’m just resolved on remedying the situation. Yes, Sasha is always up all night worrying about all things human. The weight of the world rests upon those fuzzy shoulders. Then she licks her bum, and it all melts away. Sometimes I wish I was a dog…
Hope you get through OK
Cheers Derrick! It’s takes a slight bit more to get me down for long. In the big picture, tis but a bump in the road. Adapt adopt and improve.
Someone just said to us lately…”Keep on Trucking”
Sorry for your rough week! Really hope things look up for you soon. The pictures you posted look amazing- getting out in nature definitely helps clear my mind a bit when things get bad. Good luck this week!
Thanks Sarah. This week was much better. I’m much more resigned and focused it appears. Glad you liked my cell phone photos! Decided against bringing all my camera gear on account of my humours and thirst for 12 year old scotch. Thought it best to keep the gear safely at home. I just need to shake things up a bit. The age of that scotch is the same age as my tenure at the museum. Perhaps it’s time to swallow them both down and then do jumping jacks to see what happens…
I don’t see any photo’s of wine. Just saying.
The only wine to drink while camping should be boxed wine. And be drunk by the lady-folk while they skin after the hunt.
I likey me scotch. Perfect for hunting… the other campers. So trusting.
Scotch, mustache, handyman…
Stop stop stop! I can’t bear it anymore.
I hope everything has worked itself out in a positive manner. Happy new year!
Happy new year to you as well! Things are progressing slowly and I’m still struggling to keep my head held high. Thanks so much for checking in on me!
I’ve been forcing myself into a positive attitude by sheer will alone. My future is uncertain, but my heart is happy nonetheless.
I had a stranger holler out to me in the grocery store Christmas eve, “Hey! You’re that garden guy! I love your blog and keep up the good work!”
That really lifted my spirits and helped me realize the good things I’m doing in my life. My first tiny brush with “fame”… It instantly went to my head.
It must be hard being famous. I hope you will continue talking to us regular people once you win the Oscar and the Nobel.
I think my mustache is more famous than I… But it assures me that fame will not change it.
It is second only to the moo-stach belonging to Magnum PI which Higgy-Baby once referred to as an “aggressive moostach! A moustache must have something to aspire to naturally.
Ah Higgins, I miss him so!
Sometimes good comes from change even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.
It’s true. I’m too much of a creature of habit so it’s good for me to shake things up!
Yeah easy for me to say in my very secure job. 😉