A half-assed attempt to build armor for my often bullied silkie. Sword training will commence at sunrise. Impulsive she is. Yet, not too old for training.
Prototype A: Death Proof Mark I

I’m still working on the attachment part, but she’s got full range of movement. This officially signals that I have too much time on my hands.
Here’s what I did:

Oh my, she certainly is very fetching in her little plastic ensemble. I bet she is setting all of the Gallus community abuzz 🙂
if by abuzz you mean all quake before her might, then yes! Death from abuzz!
I don’t believe you have a rooster, James, but I’m wondering if he could work around the armor. hehe.I have seen our chickens mauled, and applaud your solution.
It’s all hinged and can be easily flipped up if she meets the right guy. Provided he has her home before 8pm.
If only the foreplay of roosters could require such a curfew!
“Birds of a feather will flock together, only if the weakest one has some bad ace armor to protect her”.
I thought you were joking when you told me about that. But your Jim. Jim with a new samurai chicken. Haha.
Well done.
I never joke about training chicken warriors! And yes, I believe the polite term is eccentricity. The clinical term would be… Less polite;)
That has to be the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen you do.
Ever ever? I’ve done some pretty sweet stuff since we met in 1996 (?). I’ll take it though. Gotta protect the meek for they shall inherit the coop.
What a crazy, funny dude you are James (my kind of crazy). I just never know what to expect when I read your posts. Body armor for chickens today, sketching goffers yesterday and tomorrow??
You don’t know the half of it 😉 I haven’t posted anything about my zombie preparedness training or burgeoning development into science. Mad science that is. I’m an artist raised by an astronomer and a teacher. Things can and will get weird. I’m glad to have you along for the ride 🙂
Shine on James, your ‘weirdness’ is pure original gold. Sounds like you were fortunate to have creative thinkers as parents. As for zombies don’t worry too much – I heard you just need to pock them in the eyes. 😆
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Just as an update for everyone, the armor has been a smashing success. Piper is getting beat up much less and even eats with the rest of the flock now. When I throw in a wayward grasshopper as a treat, sometimes she gets it first and battles to keep it! Her confidence is through the roof and I couldn’t be more proud.
truly inspiring… i admire your world and am a bit jealous, sadly can have no chickens on my cat ranch- city limits and all, but now have a vicarious chicken experience right here in your blog…=^..^=
It does my soul good to have some traces of the way we used to be. Having a small flock in an urban setting really contrasts this modern world. Who knows, your city may change their requirements. San Diego did a few years ago which is how I’m able to do this. I’m sure there are groups of people pushing for it if you look. Cats would not be a big issue with chickens. Chickens are fierce warriors! Thanks for following, I’ll try not to disappoint!
I started by reading how your silkie was bullied & wanted to let you know, my silkie named Noodles, lives inside with me ( she’s My only hen). The poop thing is a reality, but it’s not as bad as you think. At night she sleeps with me in bed, with her lil chicken diaper. I think I paid around $12 for it, but I’m sure with your mad chicken gear making skills,( had to click & see the bad ass armor!) you could fashion a wicked diaper for her yourself! This is THE SWEETEST bird I’ve ever known. I had another hen ( Nugget) last year that passed in a freak accident. She was much more aggressive than Noodles (not with me!) but I loved her so much. They make the best of friends. Noodles is my first Silkie & they are like the lap dogs of the chicken world! Anyway, I absolutely LOVE your posts, had to sign up for more. Thanks so much for the smile & lovely reading material!
Aw Shelly Beans, you rock! I’m glad you’re digging what I’m throwing down. Shortly after this article, I ended up building her her very own coop and run. She’s been happy and healthy ever since! She now has a roommate. A one-eyed chicken named Blackbutt the Pirate.
Did you see that Piper made the cover of the Reader!? I’m soo proud of my little champion.