Repurposing an unused clothesline: The $50 instant patio!

The summer sun in my neck of the woods is crazy intense. I can usually work outside for about an hour when I begin to hear and smell what can only be described as sizzling bacon. That, as it turns out, is my skull cooking my brains. Now, I love bacon so I just keep on working. Continue reading “Repurposing an unused clothesline: The $50 instant patio!”

Curb Appeal! When life gives you lemons, say "screw these lemons, I'm gonna make a garden!"

About a year ago, I thought it would be a nice idea to plant a few ornamental grasses on the front edge of my fence. A way to bring joy and beauty to the good folk walking down the street. Also a way to say, “Hey, lets not revel in our vacant dirt lots and display our garbage on the front lawn like we are on the show Sanford and Sons. Let’s instead create some spaces to be proud of and try to class up the neighborhood.” So I did. Continue reading “Curb Appeal! When life gives you lemons, say "screw these lemons, I'm gonna make a garden!"”

Life After the Drought

I feel like I just awoke from a long coma. This last Thanksgiving was full of mirth to the point of making me a useless blob. My hobbies have included laying East/West on the couch watching Netflix, laying West/East on the couch watching Netflix, steadily observing the physical changes (or lack there of) of piles of dirty dishes and generally boring the shit out of my dog, my girlfriend and you, my gentle readers. For that I am sorry. Not so sorry that I didn’t enjoy the indulgence of my inertia or revel in my lethargy. Because I truly did. But, I’m back now. At least until Christmas rolls around. Continue reading “Life After the Drought”